Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Hary Tanoe harap Hanura bersih

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Ketua Umum Partai Hanura Wiranto (kanan) bersalaman dengan Hary Tanoesoedibjo (kiri) saat bergabungnya secara resmi Hary Tanoesoedibjo ke partai Hanura di Kantor DPP Partai Hanura, di Jakarta, Minggu (17/2). Hary Tanoesoedibjo resmi bergabung bersama Partai Hanura dan menjabat sebagai ketua dewan pertimbangan partai. (FOTO ANTARA/Zabur Karuru)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Hary Tanoesoedibyo, yang baru pindah dari Partai Nasdem, mengharapkan partai tempat bernaungnya sekarang, Hanura, merupakan partai politik bersih atau tidak terlibat kasus korupsi.

"Ini juga yang menjadi pertimbangan karena saya lihat Hanura merupakan partai yang bersih, semoga kedepannya tetap demikian dan tidak ada yang terlibat kasus korupsi," kata politisi yang sekarang menjabat Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Partai Hanura itu dalam konferensi pers di kantor DPP Hanura di Jakarta, Minggu.

Alasan lain Hary bergabung dengan Hanura karena partai pimpinan Wiranto itu bukan partai koalisi.

"Sejak 2009, saya renungkan dan ini akan menjadi perubahan yang baik karena Hanura bukan masuk ke dalam partai koalisi, melainkan konsisten dengan pendirian dan ideologinya sebagai partai oposisi," katanya.

Lebih lanjut, CEO MNC Group tersebut menjelaskan Partai Hanura merupakan partai yang solid sebagai daya tarik dirinya untuk bergabung.

"Adanya soliditas kekompakan dari partai Hanura dan `leadership` (kepemimpinan) yang kuat," katanya.

Dia meyakini soliditas tersebut jika terlaksana dengan baik akan menjadi sesuatu yang besar bagi partai yang baru diusungnya tersebut.

"Kami harapkan dapat bekerja bersatu padu untuk yang lebih baik. Ini merupakan beban moral kami," katanya.

Hary juga menyampaikan sambutan baik Ketua Umum Partai Hanura Wiranto yang bersedia menerima kader-kader dari partai sebelumnya (Partai NasDem) untuk bergabung baik dari pusat maupun daerah.

Hary Tanoe resmi ditetapkan sebagai Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Partai Hanura pasca pengunduran dirinya dari Partai NasDem.

Hary sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Pakar pada partai yang diketuai Surya Paloh tersebut.

Namun, karena perbedaan pandangan dengan Surya Paloh, Hary memutuskan keluar dari partai tersebut bersama dengan tiga pengurus inti lainnya.

Hary kemudian membentuk organisasi massa yang disebut Persatuan Indonesia (Perindo), berisikan anggota Partai Nasdem, sebelum akhirnya keluar dari partai pimpinan Surya Paloh itu.


Pacitan-dotted lines buried in landslides, Ponorogo

Pacitan (ANTARA News)-the main line of Pacitan-Ponorogo, East Java, was interrupted after a cliff Ridge 30s meters in the side of the highway in the village of Gegeran, district Arjosari, Pacitan Regency, landslides Sunday afternoon, and closed the road underneath.

The information was compiled from several interviewees BETWEEN correspondents in Pacitan mentions that the events occurred at around 17: 00 landslide EST, beginning with the fall of a huge chunk of rock from the top of the cliff.

A rock the size of a car pick up directly hitting the highway that is underneath, and then followed by the avalanche of soil from the slope of the cliff so that all roads covering about 10 meters.

There were no fatalities in the incident however led to the flow of traffic from both directions jammed total.

"Line two-wheel vehicles or four wheel from both sides reach a length of one kilometer more," said Purwo Sasongko, staff of public relations District of Pacitan.

A type of heavy equipment wheel loader and stone splitter (breaker) has been deployed to start getting rid of the landslide material.

While police continued to attempt to divert the flow of vehicle traffic to alternative lanes Pacitan-Purwantoro.

"We indeed have been alerting tool weight on this line, especially during the rainy season," the light of UPT Bina Marga Jatim Head in Pacitan, Purwanto.

Acknowledgment, the point of the avalanche is one of the critical points in the path of Pacitan-Ponorogo.

He mentions there are still dozens of avalanche prone locations that are in the provincial road which runs along 80 kilometers.


Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Landslides and floods hit areas in Flammable

illustration a number of Landslide Victims Evacuation officers conduct a search for landslide victims in Luwung Village, Sirampog, Brebes, Central Java, Thursday (7/2). (INTERMEDIATE/Oky Lukmansyah)

Manad (Reuters)-heavy rain is falling on some areas in North Sulawesi (Flammable) since Saturday (16/2) to Sunday (7/2) have caused floods and landslides in the province.

Deputy Mayor of Manado Harley Mangindaan has conducted coordination with PMI, neat, Tagana, head of the Indonesian armed forces and the national police as well as BPBD for the handling of floods and Manado avalanche.

Floods submerge six subdistricts in Manado the Singkil, Chapter two, Sario, Tuminting, and Detention, with Malalayang water height reached 60 to 70 centimetres to cause people flee their homes, according to the radar Between Sunday.

A number of flipped car on ring road, Manado Citraland, buried by the landslide, but since it did not result in casualties. The Holy Church of the Kalam in the complex was also hit by landslide.

The flood has caused Tuminting Sumompow Bridge submerged in flood. The high neck and submerged villages isolated.

Landslides also occurred in the village of Kaweruan, district South Minahasa Regency Likupang North, 06.00 WITA causing tertutupnya access road across the province.

Landslides make the flow of traffic and congestion occurs along the choked up one kilometer.

The local government and public security units attempting to open a closed land access due to landslide.

A landslide occurred in the village and Kelurahan Kinilow Tinoor, Tomohon, North Sulawesi-Manado route leads left off the total. However, within five hours of the head BPBD, Eddy Turang Tomohon, already managed to reopen the line.

Members of the DPRD Tomohon, Paul Adrian Sembel also informs the access road Amurang, Minahasa Manado-South, in the village of landslide-covered Munte, floods also occurred in Tanawangko and Popontolen.

Paul says In line, Minahasa Utara, Minahasa to Tondano, also covered avalanche so that can not be bypassed.

Head of Data centres, information and communication, the BNPB Purwo Nugroho Dwiyatno (Captain) mention flash flooding also occurred in the village of Togid, district Tutuyan, Bolaang Mongondow Regency East, while the number of homes are submerged is still being recorded.

Commission Information Commissioner province (KIP) Flammable, Reidy says the photo spread Sumual raced good disaster yet wiser if spread with solutions offer spread vital information.

Some important telephone informing KIP can be contacted the Office of the SAR (0431) 115 or 118 812111, ambulance, RSU Kandouw 838203, head of BPBD, Hoyke Makarawung 081356400999-places, head of UPTB III BPBD-Mongilala 085398545555, Vicky.

Meanwhile Islamic Student Health agencies (LKMI) Care of flood Alert, HMI, opened a Branch in Manado posko Wonasa, Manado.

Legislators: Government should prohibit the sale of island of Batam

Members Of The House Financial Committee, Harry Azhar Azis. (PHOTOS.BETWEEN)

The City Government must take responsibility so that the island was not until sold, "
Bangalore (Reuters)-HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Member Harry Azhar Azis insists the Government must prevent the sale of Batam city Serapat Island, not just stated not knowing there are ads placed on citizens offer media marketing "online".

"The City Government must take responsibility so that the island was not until sold," said member of PARLIAMENT the electoral region of Riau Islands Harry Azhar Azis in Batam on Sunday.

It says ad sales offer comment on the island at the Absorption site of national spending some time ago.

According to him, the sale of the island should have the approval of the city or County Government. He was questioned over the sale of Government ignorance of Batam Island.

Overall sales of the island also broke the law, he said. because of the coastal areas are a common location and should not be controlled by a particular party.

"It belongs to the public Beach to 100 meters," he said.

Harry also questioned the ownership papers over the island has to offer.

"Should be examined the origin of ownership, whether hereditary until the citizens claim or how," he said.

Regarding the certificate, he requested the document expresses the BPN also land.

The previous Mayor of Batam Island Serapat sales say that Subdistrict is located in the back of The illegal.

He said the City Government had no idea there was a sales offer the island committed citizens. shopping site offering for sale Rp9.9 Serapat Island billion.

In the ad, it offered the island with views of the Singapore match was developed as a resort. (Y011/A013)

Violence, Disdik elementary school children are asked to lend a hand

Banjarmasin (ANTARA News)-the Office of education of South Kalimantan or the city of Banjarmasin asked hands down over the alleged violence of elementary school children in the capital of the province was not long ago that cell phone cameras recorded.

In addition, the city's LEGISLATIVE ELECTION or the education wing, Banjarmasin was also immediately checked over the event, pinta, Chairman Muslim Student Action Union Indonesia's Laifvan Irwani in the description of a press Suffi in Banjarmasin Sunday.

Events of violence Kelayan Country elementary school children In grade IV 7 Banjarmasin was horrendous. A disciple named Linda attacked three classmates, while the guardian class is in the room when the incident as if let alone.

"This is very worrying. It can not be left lah. Should be checked, correct what is not what happened. Because if it's true, it certainly is very concerned by the mental development of children were detained, "he said.

According to him, the KAMMI 's, while viewing the video that also diunggal to the Internet, shocked. Moreover, in the video that he sounded older conversations using the Banjar language.

"Therefore the alleged incidents of violence in the video was indeed in Banjarmasin. Regardless is correct or whether the events that happen in Banjarmasin, Disdik parties and LEGISLATORS must respond swiftly, "he said.

"Do not let this incident other kids emulated. Or lest an event like this has always happened. Like an iceberg phenomenon, "he said.

He argued, violence perpetrated the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL kids, one of morals and moral education which is likely very minimal portion is big at school, besides the possibility of influence of the environment and the lack of attention of parents.

"If morals and moral lessons with a good teacher, certainly given by this kind of thing can be anticipated. We all know lah, education portion of morals now, in public schools, it is very minimal, "cetusnya lah.

Therefore, as one of the Organization's youth movement, It is how the KAMMI urgent from the local Government of the issue, as well as check out their direct and evaluate the education system is already running on this. banua

"Our education Budget does little. That's why we need to education evaluation today. In addition, the need to look for the truth, whether violence in the video is true. If true, no other words, must be addressed, "Laifvan.


Legislators: the inclusion of government capital takes reinsurance

Harry Azhar Aziz (INTERMEDIATE)

Domestic Reinsurance must be strengthened, because market size more foreign reinsurance, "
Bangalore (Reuters)-State-owned enterprises engaged in the reinsurance needs of capital investment in the country to minimize the industry's cash flow out of the country.

"The domestic Reinsurance must be strengthened, because market size more foreign reinsurance," said Vice Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI Harry Azhar Azis in Batam on Sunday.

To strengthen the domestic reinsurance, the Government should inject funds pemrintah capital participation in STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES engaged in such Public Reinsurance reasurasi Indonesia, PT.

"I propose to Rp7 Rp5 billion should be allocated to the STATE-OWNED company, PMN," he said.

The value of reinsurance premiums in Indonesia each year approximately 80 percent Rp30 billion and up to 90 percent are now dikusai foreigners.

"If possible, we find only half of the premium Fund Rp30 billion," he said.

According to him, the company has yet to capture the opportunities that reinsurance in order to fund the premiums do not flee abroad. The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES is attempting to revive a national reinsurance through the efforts of BILL Perasuransian plan discussed on this year.

"On March 26, there will be a working meeting with Kemenkeu, I am targeting August already entered finalization," he said.


Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES is likely to approve redenomiasi after the election

Harry Azhar Aziz (INTERMEDIATE)

The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES is likely to be the Government's new redenomination. If done now powerful political impressions, "
Batam (Reuters)-the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES approved a zero reduction tends to be more on the redenomination was done after the rupiah or Elections of 2014.

"PARLIAMENT is likely to be the Government's new redenomination. If done now powerful political impressions, "said the Vice Chairman of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Commission XI Harry Azhar Azis in Batam on Sunday.

If started now, then it was feared the program was used to political interests of certain parties. Moreover, economists suspect the redenomination is utilized to print money for the sake of some parties in the elections of 2014.

However, if the new Government does, the redenomination will run cleaner than many kecurigan.

It takes into account the redenomination was started in the new Government, namely January 2015, then mass preparation for two years i.e. until August 17, 2017. And in the third year of printing new money. Then the mass transition to new and old money over the last two years.

"In 2019, new money came into force in the new Government any longer," said member of Parliament the electoral region of Riau Islands.

Harry said, in drawing up the BILL of the Redenomination, the Government should take account of three things, namely an increase in inflation on lower class society, the presepsi society and the speculators.

Redenomination, he said, could trigger inflation, especially in the lower classes of society. For example, at present there are still price of goods When redenomination Rp900. it will be rounded up to Rp 1,000 to then zero-Rp1 nyadibuang mnjadi.

"Indeed there will be also a fractional cents, but still rounding up. Mungin to society can afford will not be too pronounced. But for klas down noticeably, "said he.

In addition, the Government should also pay attention to presepsi people who are concerned about changes in currency values.

According to him, many people who have money in the bank is likely to Exchange rupiahnya to the dollar or take it to buy something that's considered value is more stable.

"The possibility of money transfer society in another form," he said.

If many take their funds in the bank, then it will happen "rush". "It's more dangerous, the bank could collapse," he said.

And the last, he said adding, there must be pmerintah mngantisipasi speculators play in the re-denomination that could cause the value of the rupiah down.

"The sanctions for the speculators should be mentioned in the BILL," said that the Golkar party politicians.


Inggris terpecah soal China

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Pemimpin spiritual Tibet, Dalai Lama, saat mengikuti kongres di Hamburg, Minggu (21/8). China menganeksasi Tibet di ketinggian Himalaya setelah Revolusi Kebudayaan pada paruh dasawarsa '50-an. Tiap pihak yang bertemu dan berdialog dengan Dalai Lama dikategorikan mendukung dia oleh China. (FOTO ANTARA/REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer)

... perilaku Beijing kepada London akhir-akhir ini semakin kekanak-kanakan setelah Cameron bertemu dengan pemimpin spiritual Tibet, Dalai Lama... "
London (ANTARA News) - Perpecahan diduga terjadi dalam pemerintahan Inggris mengenai hubungan dengan China yang akhir-akhir ini menegang, tulis harian The Sunday Times, mengutip sumber yang tidak disebutkan namanya.

Perdana Menteri Inggris, David Cameron, dan Menteri Keuangan Inggris, George Osborne, di satu pihak berniat menghindari tindakan yang membuat hubungan dengan China semakin menegang karena khawatir dapat merusak hubungan dagang kedua negara.

Namun di sisi lain, menteri Luar Negeri Inggris, William Hague, bersikap berseberangan. Menurut dia Inggris tidak boleh menurunkan kritik keras terhadap pelanggaran HAM di China. Sementara itu Wakil Perdana Menteri Inggris, Nick Clegg, juga bersikeras Inggris harus memegang teguh prinsipnya dalam persoalan penanganan masyarakat Tibet.

"Hague dan Clegg berada dalam pihak sama soal HAM. Mereka percaya Inggris harus bersuara keras terhadap China," kata sumber dari kemenenterian pemerintahan sebagaimana dikutip dari The Sunday Times.

"Bagi Clegg, HAM adalah prinsip yang tidak bisa dinegosiasikan. Untuk Hague, persoalannya adalah Inggris tidak boleh terlalu menaruh hormat pada China karena jika tidak, negara itu akan menghina Inggris," kata dia.

"Sementara Cameron dan Osborne fokus pada soal perdagangan. Mereka ingin mempertahankan hubungan kedua negara," tambahnya.

Inggris saat ini sedang berusaha menarik investasi China dalam berbagai proyek infrastruktur untuk memacu ekonomi yang sedang mengalami perlambatan pertumbuhan.

Namun, hubungan antara London dan Beijing telah memburuk dalam sembilan bulan terakhir saat pihak keamanan melaporkan bangkitnya mata-mata China di jaringan internet, kata The Sunday Times.

Namun orang dalam di kementerian mengatakan, perilaku Beijing kepada London akhir-akhir ini semakin kekanak-kanakan setelah Cameron bertemu dengan pemimpin spiritual Tibet, Dalai Lama, pada tahun lalu.

Meskipun Inggris beranggapan Tibet adalah bagian dari China, pertemuan Cameron-Dalai Lama memunculkan protes resmi dari Beijing, yang menilai biarawan Budha tersebut sebagai separatis yang berbahaya.
