Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Hary Tanoe harap Hanura bersih

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Ketua Umum Partai Hanura Wiranto (kanan) bersalaman dengan Hary Tanoesoedibjo (kiri) saat bergabungnya secara resmi Hary Tanoesoedibjo ke partai Hanura di Kantor DPP Partai Hanura, di Jakarta, Minggu (17/2). Hary Tanoesoedibjo resmi bergabung bersama Partai Hanura dan menjabat sebagai ketua dewan pertimbangan partai. (FOTO ANTARA/Zabur Karuru)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Hary Tanoesoedibyo, yang baru pindah dari Partai Nasdem, mengharapkan partai tempat bernaungnya sekarang, Hanura, merupakan partai politik bersih atau tidak terlibat kasus korupsi.

"Ini juga yang menjadi pertimbangan karena saya lihat Hanura merupakan partai yang bersih, semoga kedepannya tetap demikian dan tidak ada yang terlibat kasus korupsi," kata politisi yang sekarang menjabat Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Partai Hanura itu dalam konferensi pers di kantor DPP Hanura di Jakarta, Minggu.

Alasan lain Hary bergabung dengan Hanura karena partai pimpinan Wiranto itu bukan partai koalisi.

"Sejak 2009, saya renungkan dan ini akan menjadi perubahan yang baik karena Hanura bukan masuk ke dalam partai koalisi, melainkan konsisten dengan pendirian dan ideologinya sebagai partai oposisi," katanya.

Lebih lanjut, CEO MNC Group tersebut menjelaskan Partai Hanura merupakan partai yang solid sebagai daya tarik dirinya untuk bergabung.

"Adanya soliditas kekompakan dari partai Hanura dan `leadership` (kepemimpinan) yang kuat," katanya.

Dia meyakini soliditas tersebut jika terlaksana dengan baik akan menjadi sesuatu yang besar bagi partai yang baru diusungnya tersebut.

"Kami harapkan dapat bekerja bersatu padu untuk yang lebih baik. Ini merupakan beban moral kami," katanya.

Hary juga menyampaikan sambutan baik Ketua Umum Partai Hanura Wiranto yang bersedia menerima kader-kader dari partai sebelumnya (Partai NasDem) untuk bergabung baik dari pusat maupun daerah.

Hary Tanoe resmi ditetapkan sebagai Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Partai Hanura pasca pengunduran dirinya dari Partai NasDem.

Hary sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Pakar pada partai yang diketuai Surya Paloh tersebut.

Namun, karena perbedaan pandangan dengan Surya Paloh, Hary memutuskan keluar dari partai tersebut bersama dengan tiga pengurus inti lainnya.

Hary kemudian membentuk organisasi massa yang disebut Persatuan Indonesia (Perindo), berisikan anggota Partai Nasdem, sebelum akhirnya keluar dari partai pimpinan Surya Paloh itu.


Pacitan-dotted lines buried in landslides, Ponorogo

Pacitan (ANTARA News)-the main line of Pacitan-Ponorogo, East Java, was interrupted after a cliff Ridge 30s meters in the side of the highway in the village of Gegeran, district Arjosari, Pacitan Regency, landslides Sunday afternoon, and closed the road underneath.

The information was compiled from several interviewees BETWEEN correspondents in Pacitan mentions that the events occurred at around 17: 00 landslide EST, beginning with the fall of a huge chunk of rock from the top of the cliff.

A rock the size of a car pick up directly hitting the highway that is underneath, and then followed by the avalanche of soil from the slope of the cliff so that all roads covering about 10 meters.

There were no fatalities in the incident however led to the flow of traffic from both directions jammed total.

"Line two-wheel vehicles or four wheel from both sides reach a length of one kilometer more," said Purwo Sasongko, staff of public relations District of Pacitan.

A type of heavy equipment wheel loader and stone splitter (breaker) has been deployed to start getting rid of the landslide material.

While police continued to attempt to divert the flow of vehicle traffic to alternative lanes Pacitan-Purwantoro.

"We indeed have been alerting tool weight on this line, especially during the rainy season," the light of UPT Bina Marga Jatim Head in Pacitan, Purwanto.

Acknowledgment, the point of the avalanche is one of the critical points in the path of Pacitan-Ponorogo.

He mentions there are still dozens of avalanche prone locations that are in the provincial road which runs along 80 kilometers.


Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Landslides and floods hit areas in Flammable

illustration a number of Landslide Victims Evacuation officers conduct a search for landslide victims in Luwung Village, Sirampog, Brebes, Central Java, Thursday (7/2). (INTERMEDIATE/Oky Lukmansyah)

Manad (Reuters)-heavy rain is falling on some areas in North Sulawesi (Flammable) since Saturday (16/2) to Sunday (7/2) have caused floods and landslides in the province.

Deputy Mayor of Manado Harley Mangindaan has conducted coordination with PMI, neat, Tagana, head of the Indonesian armed forces and the national police as well as BPBD for the handling of floods and Manado avalanche.

Floods submerge six subdistricts in Manado the Singkil, Chapter two, Sario, Tuminting, and Detention, with Malalayang water height reached 60 to 70 centimetres to cause people flee their homes, according to the radar Between Sunday.

A number of flipped car on ring road, Manado Citraland, buried by the landslide, but since it did not result in casualties. The Holy Church of the Kalam in the complex was also hit by landslide.

The flood has caused Tuminting Sumompow Bridge submerged in flood. The high neck and submerged villages isolated.

Landslides also occurred in the village of Kaweruan, district South Minahasa Regency Likupang North, 06.00 WITA causing tertutupnya access road across the province.

Landslides make the flow of traffic and congestion occurs along the choked up one kilometer.

The local government and public security units attempting to open a closed land access due to landslide.

A landslide occurred in the village and Kelurahan Kinilow Tinoor, Tomohon, North Sulawesi-Manado route leads left off the total. However, within five hours of the head BPBD, Eddy Turang Tomohon, already managed to reopen the line.

Members of the DPRD Tomohon, Paul Adrian Sembel also informs the access road Amurang, Minahasa Manado-South, in the village of landslide-covered Munte, floods also occurred in Tanawangko and Popontolen.

Paul says In line, Minahasa Utara, Minahasa to Tondano, also covered avalanche so that can not be bypassed.

Head of Data centres, information and communication, the BNPB Purwo Nugroho Dwiyatno (Captain) mention flash flooding also occurred in the village of Togid, district Tutuyan, Bolaang Mongondow Regency East, while the number of homes are submerged is still being recorded.

Commission Information Commissioner province (KIP) Flammable, Reidy says the photo spread Sumual raced good disaster yet wiser if spread with solutions offer spread vital information.

Some important telephone informing KIP can be contacted the Office of the SAR (0431) 115 or 118 812111, ambulance, RSU Kandouw 838203, head of BPBD, Hoyke Makarawung 081356400999-places, head of UPTB III BPBD-Mongilala 085398545555, Vicky.

Meanwhile Islamic Student Health agencies (LKMI) Care of flood Alert, HMI, opened a Branch in Manado posko Wonasa, Manado.

Legislators: Government should prohibit the sale of island of Batam

Members Of The House Financial Committee, Harry Azhar Azis. (PHOTOS.BETWEEN)

The City Government must take responsibility so that the island was not until sold, "
Bangalore (Reuters)-HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Member Harry Azhar Azis insists the Government must prevent the sale of Batam city Serapat Island, not just stated not knowing there are ads placed on citizens offer media marketing "online".

"The City Government must take responsibility so that the island was not until sold," said member of PARLIAMENT the electoral region of Riau Islands Harry Azhar Azis in Batam on Sunday.

It says ad sales offer comment on the island at the Absorption site of national spending some time ago.

According to him, the sale of the island should have the approval of the city or County Government. He was questioned over the sale of Government ignorance of Batam Island.

Overall sales of the island also broke the law, he said. because of the coastal areas are a common location and should not be controlled by a particular party.

"It belongs to the public Beach to 100 meters," he said.

Harry also questioned the ownership papers over the island has to offer.

"Should be examined the origin of ownership, whether hereditary until the citizens claim or how," he said.

Regarding the certificate, he requested the document expresses the BPN also land.

The previous Mayor of Batam Island Serapat sales say that Subdistrict is located in the back of The illegal.

He said the City Government had no idea there was a sales offer the island committed citizens. shopping site offering for sale Rp9.9 Serapat Island billion.

In the ad, it offered the island with views of the Singapore match was developed as a resort. (Y011/A013)

Violence, Disdik elementary school children are asked to lend a hand

Banjarmasin (ANTARA News)-the Office of education of South Kalimantan or the city of Banjarmasin asked hands down over the alleged violence of elementary school children in the capital of the province was not long ago that cell phone cameras recorded.

In addition, the city's LEGISLATIVE ELECTION or the education wing, Banjarmasin was also immediately checked over the event, pinta, Chairman Muslim Student Action Union Indonesia's Laifvan Irwani in the description of a press Suffi in Banjarmasin Sunday.

Events of violence Kelayan Country elementary school children In grade IV 7 Banjarmasin was horrendous. A disciple named Linda attacked three classmates, while the guardian class is in the room when the incident as if let alone.

"This is very worrying. It can not be left lah. Should be checked, correct what is not what happened. Because if it's true, it certainly is very concerned by the mental development of children were detained, "he said.

According to him, the KAMMI 's, while viewing the video that also diunggal to the Internet, shocked. Moreover, in the video that he sounded older conversations using the Banjar language.

"Therefore the alleged incidents of violence in the video was indeed in Banjarmasin. Regardless is correct or whether the events that happen in Banjarmasin, Disdik parties and LEGISLATORS must respond swiftly, "he said.

"Do not let this incident other kids emulated. Or lest an event like this has always happened. Like an iceberg phenomenon, "he said.

He argued, violence perpetrated the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL kids, one of morals and moral education which is likely very minimal portion is big at school, besides the possibility of influence of the environment and the lack of attention of parents.

"If morals and moral lessons with a good teacher, certainly given by this kind of thing can be anticipated. We all know lah, education portion of morals now, in public schools, it is very minimal, "cetusnya lah.

Therefore, as one of the Organization's youth movement, It is how the KAMMI urgent from the local Government of the issue, as well as check out their direct and evaluate the education system is already running on this. banua

"Our education Budget does little. That's why we need to education evaluation today. In addition, the need to look for the truth, whether violence in the video is true. If true, no other words, must be addressed, "Laifvan.


Legislators: the inclusion of government capital takes reinsurance

Harry Azhar Aziz (INTERMEDIATE)

Domestic Reinsurance must be strengthened, because market size more foreign reinsurance, "
Bangalore (Reuters)-State-owned enterprises engaged in the reinsurance needs of capital investment in the country to minimize the industry's cash flow out of the country.

"The domestic Reinsurance must be strengthened, because market size more foreign reinsurance," said Vice Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI Harry Azhar Azis in Batam on Sunday.

To strengthen the domestic reinsurance, the Government should inject funds pemrintah capital participation in STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES engaged in such Public Reinsurance reasurasi Indonesia, PT.

"I propose to Rp7 Rp5 billion should be allocated to the STATE-OWNED company, PMN," he said.

The value of reinsurance premiums in Indonesia each year approximately 80 percent Rp30 billion and up to 90 percent are now dikusai foreigners.

"If possible, we find only half of the premium Fund Rp30 billion," he said.

According to him, the company has yet to capture the opportunities that reinsurance in order to fund the premiums do not flee abroad. The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES is attempting to revive a national reinsurance through the efforts of BILL Perasuransian plan discussed on this year.

"On March 26, there will be a working meeting with Kemenkeu, I am targeting August already entered finalization," he said.


Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES is likely to approve redenomiasi after the election

Harry Azhar Aziz (INTERMEDIATE)

The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES is likely to be the Government's new redenomination. If done now powerful political impressions, "
Batam (Reuters)-the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES approved a zero reduction tends to be more on the redenomination was done after the rupiah or Elections of 2014.

"PARLIAMENT is likely to be the Government's new redenomination. If done now powerful political impressions, "said the Vice Chairman of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Commission XI Harry Azhar Azis in Batam on Sunday.

If started now, then it was feared the program was used to political interests of certain parties. Moreover, economists suspect the redenomination is utilized to print money for the sake of some parties in the elections of 2014.

However, if the new Government does, the redenomination will run cleaner than many kecurigan.

It takes into account the redenomination was started in the new Government, namely January 2015, then mass preparation for two years i.e. until August 17, 2017. And in the third year of printing new money. Then the mass transition to new and old money over the last two years.

"In 2019, new money came into force in the new Government any longer," said member of Parliament the electoral region of Riau Islands.

Harry said, in drawing up the BILL of the Redenomination, the Government should take account of three things, namely an increase in inflation on lower class society, the presepsi society and the speculators.

Redenomination, he said, could trigger inflation, especially in the lower classes of society. For example, at present there are still price of goods When redenomination Rp900. it will be rounded up to Rp 1,000 to then zero-Rp1 nyadibuang mnjadi.

"Indeed there will be also a fractional cents, but still rounding up. Mungin to society can afford will not be too pronounced. But for klas down noticeably, "said he.

In addition, the Government should also pay attention to presepsi people who are concerned about changes in currency values.

According to him, many people who have money in the bank is likely to Exchange rupiahnya to the dollar or take it to buy something that's considered value is more stable.

"The possibility of money transfer society in another form," he said.

If many take their funds in the bank, then it will happen "rush". "It's more dangerous, the bank could collapse," he said.

And the last, he said adding, there must be pmerintah mngantisipasi speculators play in the re-denomination that could cause the value of the rupiah down.

"The sanctions for the speculators should be mentioned in the BILL," said that the Golkar party politicians.


Inggris terpecah soal China

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Pemimpin spiritual Tibet, Dalai Lama, saat mengikuti kongres di Hamburg, Minggu (21/8). China menganeksasi Tibet di ketinggian Himalaya setelah Revolusi Kebudayaan pada paruh dasawarsa '50-an. Tiap pihak yang bertemu dan berdialog dengan Dalai Lama dikategorikan mendukung dia oleh China. (FOTO ANTARA/REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer)

... perilaku Beijing kepada London akhir-akhir ini semakin kekanak-kanakan setelah Cameron bertemu dengan pemimpin spiritual Tibet, Dalai Lama... "
London (ANTARA News) - Perpecahan diduga terjadi dalam pemerintahan Inggris mengenai hubungan dengan China yang akhir-akhir ini menegang, tulis harian The Sunday Times, mengutip sumber yang tidak disebutkan namanya.

Perdana Menteri Inggris, David Cameron, dan Menteri Keuangan Inggris, George Osborne, di satu pihak berniat menghindari tindakan yang membuat hubungan dengan China semakin menegang karena khawatir dapat merusak hubungan dagang kedua negara.

Namun di sisi lain, menteri Luar Negeri Inggris, William Hague, bersikap berseberangan. Menurut dia Inggris tidak boleh menurunkan kritik keras terhadap pelanggaran HAM di China. Sementara itu Wakil Perdana Menteri Inggris, Nick Clegg, juga bersikeras Inggris harus memegang teguh prinsipnya dalam persoalan penanganan masyarakat Tibet.

"Hague dan Clegg berada dalam pihak sama soal HAM. Mereka percaya Inggris harus bersuara keras terhadap China," kata sumber dari kemenenterian pemerintahan sebagaimana dikutip dari The Sunday Times.

"Bagi Clegg, HAM adalah prinsip yang tidak bisa dinegosiasikan. Untuk Hague, persoalannya adalah Inggris tidak boleh terlalu menaruh hormat pada China karena jika tidak, negara itu akan menghina Inggris," kata dia.

"Sementara Cameron dan Osborne fokus pada soal perdagangan. Mereka ingin mempertahankan hubungan kedua negara," tambahnya.

Inggris saat ini sedang berusaha menarik investasi China dalam berbagai proyek infrastruktur untuk memacu ekonomi yang sedang mengalami perlambatan pertumbuhan.

Namun, hubungan antara London dan Beijing telah memburuk dalam sembilan bulan terakhir saat pihak keamanan melaporkan bangkitnya mata-mata China di jaringan internet, kata The Sunday Times.

Namun orang dalam di kementerian mengatakan, perilaku Beijing kepada London akhir-akhir ini semakin kekanak-kanakan setelah Cameron bertemu dengan pemimpin spiritual Tibet, Dalai Lama, pada tahun lalu.

Meskipun Inggris beranggapan Tibet adalah bagian dari China, pertemuan Cameron-Dalai Lama memunculkan protes resmi dari Beijing, yang menilai biarawan Budha tersebut sebagai separatis yang berbahaya.


Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Alasan Jokowi setuju bangun enam ruas tol

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Jokowi saat meninjau jalan layang non tol Antasari? (ANTARA/deny yuliansari)

Ya kan jadinya mau tidak mau"
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo mengungkapkan alasannya menyetujui pembangunan enam ruas jalan tol dalam kota, yaitu kecilnya rasio jalan di DKI Jakarta, hanya 6,2 persen.

Padahal, rasio jalan ideal di Jakarta adalah 12 persen, kata Jokowi usai meninjau jalan layang non tol Antasari, Kamis.

Untuk itu Jokowi merasa harus memperbanyak dan memperlebar jalan. "Ya kan jadinya mau tidak mau," katanya.

Meski begitu, Jokowi memastikan perbaikan sistem transportasi umum tetap dilanjutkan,d engan ditunjang oleh segala kebijakan pendukung.

"Tanpa dibarengi dengan kebijakan-kebijakan yang mendukung juga tidak akan kelihatan hasilnya," katanya seraya menyebut lagi aturan ganjil-genap yang akan mulai diberlakukan Maret 2013 dan Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) di beberapa jalan protokol Jakarta, serta pajak parkir.

"Ini memang sebuah kerja yang terintegrasi," kata dia.

Jokowi mengaku telah melakukan kalkulasi efek pembangunan sebelum memutuskan untuk melanjutkan pembangunan proyek dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum itu, dengan syarat harus bisa dilalui transportasi massal seperti Transjakarta.

"Ada jalur khusus dong, bisa naik turun, tapi pada halte-halte tertentu. Saya mau juga karena itu," katanya.

(dny) Editor: Jafar M Sidik


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Pejudi online diadiliTerdakwa Johny, Hendro dan beberapa rekannya pejudi online jenis "Zynga Poker", diadili di Pengadilan Negeri Medan, ...

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Tangan manusia mengandung 39.000 bakteriJangan anggap remeh tangan Anda; karena ternyata menjadi "rumah" bagi sekitar 39.000 bakteri. "Tangan adalah salah ...

Akademisi: media harus berikan pendidikan politik 2014

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2013 dan 2014 disebut-sebut sebagai tahun politik, sehingga media dapat mengambil perannya mendidik masyarakat dari aspek politik secara netral, objektif dan sesuai fakta,"
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Media dalam perannya sebagai guru harus mulai gencar memberikan pendidikan politik kepada rakyat menjelang Pemilu 2014, kata Deputi Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Riset Universitas Paramadina Totok Amin Soefijanto.

Pendidikan dari aspek politik diperlukan agar masyarakat dapat memilih kandidat politisi atau calon presiden 2014 yang sesuai harapan, katanya di Jakarta, Kamis.

"2013 dan 2014 disebut-sebut sebagai tahun politik, sehingga media dapat mengambil perannya mendidik masyarakat dari aspek politik secara netral, objektif dan sesuai fakta," kata Totok kepada ANTARA.

Dia mengatakan pendidikan aspek politik dapat dilakukan dengan cara menjelaskan bagaimana proses pemilihan seorang calon legislatif atau calon presiden dan wakil presiden. Selain itu media juga dapat menjelaskan bagaimana cara memilih kandidat calon legislatif dan calon presiden yang benar.

"Jangan yang disoroti hanya gajinya saja, fasilitas yang diterima saja. Tetapi beri pendidikan misalnya bagaimana tugas seorang pemimpin, tugas anggota legislatif dan lain sebagainya," kata dia.

Menurut Totok, hanya akan ada satu hingga dua media yang dapat memberitakan secara netral pada 2014, dengan asumsi para pemilik media menggunakan medianya sebagai alat untuk mempromosikan diri berkaitan dengan politik.

"Mungkin hanya satu-dua saja yang independen kalau asumsinya para pemilik ini menggunakan medianya untuk alat promosi. Tetapi kalau yang terjadi sebaliknya justru bagus," ujar dia.

Dia menekankan bahwa media yang dimiliki seorang politisi tidak lantas dapat dicap sebagai media yang tidak netral dalam memberikan pemberitaan politik. Semua menurutnya bergantung pada isi pesan yang dikeluarkan media kepada masyarakat.

"Media yang pemiliknya politisi tetap bisa menjadi guru yang baik bagi masyarakat yang penting pesan yang dikeluarkannya netral, objektif serta sesuai fakta. Jadi tidak masalah media tersebut dimiliki siapa," kata dia.

(R028/N002) Editor: Ruslan Burhani


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Pejudi online diadiliTerdakwa Johny, Hendro dan beberapa rekannya pejudi online jenis "Zynga Poker", diadili di Pengadilan Negeri Medan, ...

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Quick ship docks at Bakauheni damaged

A passing fishing boat in the waters around the port of Bakauheni, Lampung, Monday (8/10). The area's fishermen fish catches declining due to constrained winds and the height of ocean waves over the last few months. (Photo Of Christian/Ali)

Bakauheni (ANTARA News)-dock at the harbor fast ship Bakauheni, Lampung, damaged by strong Spash in the waters.

On Thursday night the Pier that has been partially submerged and regardless of penambatnya concrete beams. The ladder also partly contributed to the submerged until the officer should attach a rope so as not to get carried away ocean currents.

Spash in sea ports were very powerful and more advanced cervical cancer on Thursday afternoon to night of heavy rain accompanied by wind gusts at the same time a thunderous effort.

Meanwhile, a ferry pier also appear more often empty due to the length of the trip ferry from the port of Merak, due to bad weather.

Operations Manager of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Branch Bakauheni convey only the Pier 1, 2, 3 which serves the crossings due to bad weather.

The number of ferries that operate as many as 18 ferries only 47 trip until Thursday night.

(KR-KTA) Editor: J


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Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Ulama Jateng desak Suryadharma Ali maju capres

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Suryadharma Ali (ANTARA)

Para ulama se-Jateng telah sepakat siap mengusung Suryadharma Ali menjadi calon presiden pada Pilpres 2014 sehingga kami akan secepatnya berkoordinasi dengan ulama lain dan menemui Menteri Agama itu,"
Pekalongan (ANTARA News) - Para ulama se- Jawa Tengah mendesak Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali berani maju mencalonkan diri sebagai calon presiden pada Pemilu 2014.

Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren "Al Hikmah" Sirampok, Brebes, KH. Labib pada acara Silaturahmi Pengurus Ponpes se- Jateng di Ponpes "Fusha" Kedungwuni, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Kamis mengatakan bahwa Suryadhrama Ali merupakan figur yang pantas diusung umat Islam sebagai capres karena mempunyai "track record" kepemimpinan yang bersih dan santun.

"Para ulama se-Jateng telah sepakat siap mengusung Suryadharma Ali menjadi calon presiden pada Pilpres 2014 sehingga kami akan secepatnya berkoordinasi dengan ulama lain dan menemui Menteri Agama itu," katanya.

Menurut dia, selain digadang oleh Partai Persatuan Pembangunan, para tokoh umat Islam juga siap memberikan pada Suryadharma Ali maju menjadi calon presiden pada Pilpres 2014.

"Suryadharma Ali adalah figur yang bersih dan santun sehingga realistis kami berkeyakinan dirinya akan mampu mengemban amanah bangsa Indonesia kearah kemajuan menuju masyarakat madani," katanya.

Ia mengatakan bahwa meski para ulama se-Jateng siap memberikan dukungan pada Suryadharma Ali sevagai capres tetapi mereka juga tidak menutup peluang calon Presiden dari golongan Islam lainnya.

"Kami masih membuka peluang capres dari golongan Islam lain jika Suryadharma Ali menolak maju pada Pilpres 2014," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua DPC PPP Kabupaten Pekalongan, Muhtarom mengatakan bahwa dirinya belum mengetahui persis apakah Suryadharma Ali mau maju pada Pilpres 2014 karenahingga kini belum ada keputusan resmi dariparta berlambang Kabah itu.

"Kami belum tahu apakah Ketua Umum PPP itu maju pada Pilpres 2014 atau tidak. Akan tetapi kami memberikan apresiasi terhadap para ulama dan umat Islam lain yang telah memberikan dukungan pada Suryadharma Ali," katanya.

(KR-KTD/A035) Editor: Ruslan Burhani


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TNI AL rekrut 37 perwira spesialisasi senjata elektronikTNI ALmerekrut 37 orang perwira pertama yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan spesialisasi senjata elektronik di Komando ...

Tangan manusia mengandung 39.000 bakteriJangan anggap remeh tangan Anda; karena ternyata menjadi "rumah" bagi sekitar 39.000 bakteri. "Tangan adalah salah ...

Rekor baru makan bakso MURI terciptaMuseum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (MURI) menetapkan makan bakso di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, oleh ...

BIN: belum ada indikasi bioteroris flu burung

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Kepala BIN Letjen Marciano Norman (ANTARA)

Sampai saat ini belum ada indikasi bahwa itu menuju bioterorisme,"
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Kepala Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) Marciano Norman mengatakan belum ada indikasi bioterorisme terkait penyebaran flu burung.

"Sampai saat ini belum ada indikasi bahwa itu menuju bioterorisme," katanya di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Kamis.

Namun demikian, pihaknya terus mengikuti masalah tersebut. "Jadi kita ikuti perkembangan itu terus, pendalaman oleh kementerian terkait dan kita mengikuti itu terus," katanya.

Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan Djoko Suyanto mengatakan masalah bioteroris tersebut masih dugaan, namun demikian, hal ini terus diselidiki oleh kementerian terkait dan BIN.

"Tapi kita selidiki, pasti akan kita kaji, kan baru dugaan-dugaan pasti jadi masukan yang baik untuk kita `folow up`," katanya.

Ia menambahkan aksi teror yang terjadi saat ini belum sampai seperti itu. "Aksi teror yang sekarang belum sampai ke situ, indikasinya belum sampai ke situ. Tapi bahwa ada wacana seperti itu kan perlu diwaspadai juga," katanya.

Sementara itu, terkait dengan pemberantasan terorisme, ia mengatakan saat ini pemerintah juga terus melakukan tindakan pencegahan yang bekerja sama dengan semua elemen seperti lembaga swadaya, perguruan tinggi dan pondok pesantren.

Menurut dia, terorisme tidak bisa hanya diberantas dengan penindakan, namun juga diperlukan pencegaan, terutama terkait pemikiran-pemikiran yang melandasi aksi teror.

"Karena utamanya sebenarnya adalah untuk menghilangkan aksi-aksi teror yang punya latar belakang seperti itu, yang diubah adalah hatinya, pikirannya kan tidak mudah. Oleh karena itu tidak bisa dibebankan kepada kepolisian atau BNPT," katanya.

(M041/M026) Editor: Ruslan Burhani


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Tangan manusia mengandung 39.000 bakteriJangan anggap remeh tangan Anda; karena ternyata menjadi "rumah" bagi sekitar 39.000 bakteri. "Tangan adalah salah ...

Rekor baru makan bakso MURI terciptaMuseum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (MURI) menetapkan makan bakso di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, oleh ...

Pejudi online diadiliTerdakwa Johny, Hendro dan beberapa rekannya pejudi online jenis "Zynga Poker", diadili di Pengadilan Negeri Medan, ...

BI predicted economic growth of 6.8 percent this year

Governor Of Bank Indonesia Darmin Nasution (Between)

Jakarta (Reuters)-Bank Indonesia predicted Indonesia's economic growth this year of around 6.3 percent to 6.8 percent.

"Indonesia's economy is expected to rise in 2013 and 2014," said Governor of Bank Indonesia Darmin Nasution as press conference meeting of the Board of Governors Quarterly IV 2012 here on Thursday.

According to him, the increase in growth was sustained by household consumption continues to rise and a strong investment. Of the exports, Darmin predicts will improve in 2013.

While for 2014, he expects the national economy to grow by 6.7 percent to 7.2 percent.

In 2012, the Indonesia economy grew by 6.3 percent supported by macro stability and financial system which is maintained so that it was able to strengthen domestic demand.

The impact of decline in export growth, especially from the second half of 2012 was able to hold the performance of household consumption and investment are increasing.

From the production side, economic growth is sustained sector performance 2012 the processing industry sector, trade, hotels and restaurants as well as the transport and communication sector.

Darmin added, from the side, the gap of economic growth of inter-regional routes in 2012 on the wane. "This is reflected in the contribution of economic growth in eastern Indonesia that is getting better," he said.

While according to the Economist of PT Indo Premier Securities Wardono Seto, the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) for Indonesia in 2013 is expected to experience increased to 6.5 percent from 6.3 percent in 2012.

"The projection of GDP growth is estimated to have experienced accelerated from 6.3 percent in 2012 to be 6.5 percent in 2013," said Seto.

According to Darmin, similar with Seto, household consumption and investments will continue to support economic growth in 2013. Additional support comes from the rise of exports, although not too large.

"Component support household consumption and investment. Exports also experienced recovery although not too large, "he said.

(A064/B008) Editor: J


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IHSG BEI Kamis turun tajam 45,56 poinComposite stock price index (IHSG) Indonesia stock exchange (BEI) closed on Thursday weakened sharply on Thursday when ...

Kelompok usaha pemuda Kukar belajar di MagelangYouth business group of Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) had the opportunity to see and learn about the development of ...

Antarpendukung cagub bentrok, empat terluka

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Makassar (ANTARA News) - Antarpendukung calon gubernur Sulawesi Selatan bentrok pada Kamis petang, sesaat setelah para jagoan mereka menggelar debat di gedung Celebes Convention Center (CCC) Makassar.

Dua orang dari salah satu kubu terluka terkena anak panah, sementara dua orang dari kubu lainnya terluka di bagian perut terkena senjata tajam, dan keempatnya segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit.

Dua orang pendukung pasangan Ilham Arief Sirajuddin-Aziz Qahhar Mudzakkar (IA) terkena anak panah di Jalan Haji Bau, sementara dua orang dari pendukung Syahrul Yasin Limpo-Agus Arifin Nu`mang (Sayang) terkena senjata tajam di bagian perut.

Insiden itu terjadi sekitar pukul 18:10 WITA.

Polisi masih terus melakukan pengamanan terhadap dua kubu yang terlibat bentrok dan terpaksa menutup jalan Haji Bau, Lamadukelleng, dan Jalan Batu Putih serta jalan pertigaan Merpati dan Cenderawasih.

Usai debat kandidat, massa pendukung Sayang yang tadinya menguasai jalan Haji Bau terlibat adu mulut dengan massa IA kemudian saling mengejek satu sama lain sehingga memicu bentrokan.

"Massa mulai berkelahi dan saling lempar batu di Jalan Lamadukelleng kemudian berlanjut di Jalan Haji Bau. Kami takut dan hanya menonton saja, takut terkena batu," ujar Astuti, warga sekitar.

Akibat kejadian tersebut, ratusan aparat kepolisian mengambil sisi tengah untuk memisahkan dua kubu dan meredam bentrokan.

Pendukung Sayang sebelumnya berada di arah barat, sementara pendukung IA berada di wilayah timur. Sementara lokasi aparat kepolisian berada di sekitar pertigaan jalan Merpati dan jalan Cederawasih.

Bahkan selain empat korban luka, mobil Avanza coklat diketahui milik relawan Sayang dari tim Rusdi Masse untuk Sayang (RMS) juga rusak dalam bentrokan itu.

Hingga berita ini ditulis, bentokan masih berlanjut di Jalan Batu Putih, markas pendukung IA. Kikabarkan ada korban ditikam namun belum diketahui identitasnya.

(ANTARA) Editor: Suryanto


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Orange Tulip tawarkan beasiswa ke BelandaOrange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) 2013/2014 menawarkan 40 beasiswa untuk warga negara Indonesia yang ingin melanjutkan ...

BMKG: efek Narelle tak berbahaya di daratanBadan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika Yogyakarta menyatakan badai tropis Narelle di Samudra Hindia tidak ...

Rekor baru makan bakso MURI terciptaMuseum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (MURI) menetapkan makan bakso di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, oleh ...

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

IHSG BEI Kamis turun tajam 45,56 poin

AppId is over the quota
Seorang pialang mengamati pergerakan harga saham di Mandiri Sekuritas, Jakarta, Jumat (9/11/12). (FOTO ANTARA/Andika Wahyu)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada Kamis ditutup melemah tajam pada Kamis ketika investor asing mengambil posisi jual.

IHSG BEI ditutup turun 45,56 poin atau 1,04 persen ke posisi 4.317,37. Sementara indeks 45 saham unggulan (LQ45) melemah 10,70 poin (1,44 persen) ke level 733,91.

Analis e-Trading Securities Andrew Argado mengatakan pelaku pasar asing yang mencatatkan jual bersih (net sell) di pasar reguler senilai Rp269,59 miliar dan menjadi salah satu faktor pemicu jatuhnya indeks.

"Saham yang paling banyak dijual di antaranya Astra International (ASII), Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLKM), Semen Indonesia (SMGR), Bank Mandiri (BMRI), dan Kalbe Farma (KLBF)," kata dia.

Ia menambahkan, secara teknikal penurunan IHSG BEI hari ini merupakan suatu pemenuhan (completion) dari "partial decline pattern broadening top".

Dikemukakan dia, beberapa sektor saham yang mengalami pelemahan di antaranya sektor perkebunan yang turun 1,87 persen, industri dasar turun 1,33 persen, sektor consumer goods turun 1,44 persen, sektor finance turun 1,13 persen, dan sektor aneka industri turun 3,85 persen.

Ia memperkirakan, untuk perdagangan saham besok (Jumat, 11/1) diproyeksikan IHSG BEI akan berkonsolidasi dengan kecenderungan melemah di kisaran 4.260-4.340 poin.

"Beberapa saham yang dapat diperhatikan, yakni Adaro Energy (ADRO), Indika Energy (INDY), Petrosea (PTRO)," kata dia.

Frekuensi perdagangan saham di BEI sebanyak 142.379 kali transaksi dengan volume mencapai 3,576 miliar lembar saham senilai Rp4,162 triliun. Saham yang mengalami penguatan sebanyak 85 saham, sementara yang tertekan 182 saham, dan 103 saham tidak bergerak nilainya.

Bursa regional diantaranya indeks Hang Seng menguat 135,84 poin (0,59 persen) ke level 23.354,31, indeks Nikkei-225 naik 74,07 poin (0,70 persen) ke level 10.652,64, dan Straits Times menguat 5,24 poin (0,16 persen) ke level 3.225,65.

(KR-ZMF/R010) Editor: Suryanto


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PTDI-Airbus Military perkuat kemitraan bisnis Bandung  (ANTARA News) – PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) semakin memperkuat kemitraan bisnis dengan Airbus ...

BI pertahankan BI rate 5,75 persen Bank Indonesia memutuskan mempertahankan tingkat BI rate sebesar 5,75 persen yang dinilai masih konsisten dengan ...

Menkeu ingatkan Kementrian ESDM jaga konsumsi BBMMenteri Keuangan Agus Martowardojo mengingatkan kembali Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral akan pentingnya ...

Minister of MINERAL RESOURCES Ministry remind keep FUEL consumption

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo (Between)

Jakarta (Reuters)-Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo reminded the Ministry of energy and Mineral resources of the importance of maintaining the subsidized fuel oil consumption by 2013 set out of 46 million tonnes.

"For me, it is important to keep the subsidized FUEL at level 46 million tonnes and a sector that maintain it was the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES along with the range," he said here on Thursday.

According to the Minister, the excess of 46 million tonnes of quota shall interfere with national fiscal health because of the burden of budget subsidies of energy grew, and it means the Government can promptly adjust the subsidized fuel prices.

To that end, he undertook the coordination meetings with Curfew Jero Wacik because subsidized FUEL volume problem is becoming an important attention should soon found the solution.

"It's so our attention and we will re-confirm if it was like that. For that we need to have a meeting soon, "said Coordinating Minister of finances.

Deputy Minister of MINERAL RESOURCES Rudi Rubiandini said one effective solution regarding the consumption of subsidized FUEL is to do a price adjustment, because control policies is very difficult to do.

"The most easy is to raise subsidized fuel prices, as revealed in macro and micro economics, it's worth was raised," he said.

Rudi said the possibility of jebolnya the volume of subsidized FUEL from the STATE BUDGET has set 2013 amounting to 46 million tonnes of very large, because the number of motor vehicles has increased every year.

In fact, when the Government adjusts the premium price and subsidized diesel to Rp 6,000 per liter, the likelihood of excess use of subsidized FUEL remains there until you reach 48,67 million tonnes.

"Indeed the determination of 46 million tonnes of quota is wrong, because it is made base-on 40 million tonnes. But the volume could reach 48,67 million tonnes if the price goes up, but if not go up (consumption) could reach 50 million tonnes, "said Rudi.

According to the data of the Ministry of finance, the realization of energy subsidy shopping in December 2012 NATIONAL BUDGET has exceeded the pagu-change set of Rp202,4 trillion which reached Rp306,5 trillion or excess 151,5 percent.

This caused realization of FUEL subsidies reached Rp211,9 trillion or excess 154,2 percent from pagu amounting to Rp137,5 trillion and the realization of the electric subsidy reached Rp94,6 trillion or excess 145,6 percent from pagu Rp65 trillion.

Meanwhile, on LAMMA ISLAND 2013, the Government provides FUEL subsidies allocation amounting to Rp193,8 trillion and Rp80,9 trillion for electricity subsidies, with the volume of subsidized FUEL set of 46 million tonnes.

(S034/N002) Editor: J


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Menkeu ingatkan Kementrian ESDM jaga konsumsi BBMFinance Minister Agus Martowardojo reminded the Ministry of energy and Mineral resources of the importance of ...

Telkom dirikan anak usaha percepat bangun infrastrukturPT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. established a new subsidiary called PT Telkom access, moves in the field ...

PTDI-Airbus Military perkuat kemitraan bisnis Singapore (Reuters)-PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has strengthened the partnership business with Airbus.

Drought disaster in Oklahoma and Arkansas

There is an adjacent area 42,05 percent in the us face a very severe drought.
Houston (Reuters/Xinhua-OANA)-United States Department of agriculture (USA) set 76 of 77 areas in Oklahoma and two thirds of the territory of Arkansas, to each other, as primary natural disaster areas due to drought that continues to take place.

The announcement of the disaster that makes farmers in those areas worthy of obtaining emergency assistance with low interest rates at a cost of 2.15 percent.

In Oklahoma, only Ottawa County not included in the category of primary disaster areas.

U.S. Secretary of agriculture, Tom Vilsack, assigning as many as 630 parts of 14 u.s. States as primary natural disaster areas.

Up to 1 January, reportedly, there are adjacent areas 42,05 percent in the us face a very severe drought
(Act. C003) Editors: Priyambodo RH


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Bencana kemarau di Oklahoma dan ArkansasUnited States Department of agriculture (USA) set 76 of 77 areas in Oklahoma and two thirds of the territory of Arkansas, ...

Menhan Amerika dan Israel bahas keamanan IsraelThe Ministry of defence (Mod) United States Leon Panetta and counterpart of Israel Ehud Barak meet Wednesday, for. ..

10 orang tewas tersambar petir dalam sebulan di Afrika Selatan Ten people have been struck by lightning are killed in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa in a month, the Government said Thursday.

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Japan expand State visit since China

Tokyo (Reuters)-Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe intends to strengthen relations with countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam in the middle of the growing issue of China's assertiveness over its territorial base.

Abe plans to visit the United States intends to reaffirm Japan's Alliance with the us but must be delayed because President Barack Obama has a solid schedule, Japan, a spokesman said Thursday.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the visit was meant for economic cooperation, the better.

"Japan considers cooperation with ASEAN is an important step to ensure peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region," said Suga.

He said that the 10 members of ASEAN have significance for Japan.

Japan seeks to establish economic cooperation with Asian countries as tentangga by sending Foreign Minister visiting Japan to Southeast Asia, South Korea and Russia.

Suga denied a number of visit was not intended to counterbalance the influence of China.

"China is an important country for Japan," he said.

However, Japan was seen visiting other countries to countries that have interests with China. An example is the Philippines which directly borders China.

Japan's Foreign Minister to visit the Philippines on Thursday for dialogue with the country about the threat of China at the border.

"We know there's a threat like that (China) and often reminded other countries about the threat not just from Japan," said the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Albert Del Rosario.

During the campaign last month, Prime Minister Abe promised to behave violently related border issues with China. However, many observers doubt his promise over Abe's position now.

Abe comes from a nationalist party which wants to revise the draft of the Constitution of Japan and the United States that were created after World War II took place. But U.S. officials want Japan to act to keep global security software, according to Reuters reports.

(A061) Editor: J


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Menhan Amerika dan Israel bahas keamanan IsraelThe Ministry of defence (Mod) United States Leon Panetta and counterpart of Israel Ehud Barak meet Wednesday, for. ..

10 orang tewas tersambar petir dalam sebulan di Afrika Selatan Ten people have been struck by lightning are killed in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa in a month, the Government said Thursday.

Jepang kerahkan jet tempur hadapi ChinaPesiapsiagaan escalation in East Asia increased. Japan deployed a number of fighter jets deal with Chinese fighter ...

Pohon-pohon tumbang di Cianjur, dua orang terluka

AppId is over the quota
Cianjur (ANTARA News) - Hujan deras yang disertai angin kencang telah menumbangkan pohon-pohon di sejumlah kawasan di Cianjur, Jawa Barat, pada Kamis.

Satu rumah rumah dilaporkan ambruk tertimpa pohon dan dua orang pengendara sepeda motor dilarikan ke RSUD Cianjur juga karena tertimpa pohon.

Rumah semi permanen milik keluarga Siti Jenab (53), warga Kampung Waas, Desa Bojong, Kecamatan Karangtengah, ambruk tertimpa pohon tumbang.

"Saya sedang masak di dapur, suami sedang di sawah tiba-tiba saja pohon yang usianya sudah ratusan tahun tumbang dan langsung menimpa rumah saya," kata Siti.

Saat ini, Siti dan keluarga terpaksa menumpang di rumah tetangga karena rumah mereka tidak dapat ditempati. Dia berharap mendapat bantuan dari pemerintah untuk membangun kembali rumahnya.

Sementara pohon tumbang di daerah Cangklek, Kecamatan Cugenang, telah menyebabkan dua pengendara motor terluka serius di sekitar wajah dan tangannya akibat tertimpa pohon.

"Saya baru pulang dari Cianjur hendak pulang ke rumah, pas melintas di daerah Cangklek tiba-tiba pohon tumbang dan langsung menimpa motor saya," kata Ending Sadili (50), salah seorang korban yang asal Kampung Gunung Lanjung 2, Desa Cijedil, Cugenang.

Sementara itu, Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Cianjur, mengimbau warga untuk waspada selama bulan Januari-Februari, di mana cuaca akan sangat ekstrem.

Kepala BPBD Kabupaten Cianjur, Asep Suhara, menuturkan angin kencang yang terjadi hari ini, mengakibatkan sejumlah pohon tumbang. Pihaknya mencatat, kejadian pohon taumbang setidaknya terjadi di tiga titik.

"Angin kencang sangat berpotensi mengakibatkan pohon tumbang dan angin puting beliung, salah satunya terjadi di Kampung Waas Kecamatan Karangtengah yang mengkibatkan satu rumah rata dengan tanah," katanya.

Dia menambahkan, tim koordinasi penanganan pohon yang rawan tumbang, telah melakukan pemangkasan, melibatkan berbagai organisasi perangkat daerah (OPD).

(KR,FKR) Editor: Suryanto


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BMKG: efek Narelle tak berbahaya di daratanBadan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika Yogyakarta menyatakan badai tropis Narelle di Samudra Hindia tidak ...

Orange Tulip tawarkan beasiswa ke BelandaOrange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) 2013/2014 menawarkan 40 beasiswa untuk warga negara Indonesia yang ingin melanjutkan ...

TNI AL rekrut 37 perwira spesialisasi senjata elektronikTNI ALmerekrut 37 orang perwira pertama yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan spesialisasi senjata elektronik di Komando ...

JK emphasize the ASEAN need to increase conflict management

Meet the Deputy PM's former Vp Jusuf Kalla (left) shaking hands with Deputy Minister Pedana Singapore Teo Chee Hean (right) when it meets in Singapore, Wednesday (9/1). The meeting, among others, discussed the developments in the ASEAN region. (INTERMEDIATE/Saptono) ()

ASEAN had less experience in the management of conflicts, especially those involving military force, "
Singapore (Reuters)-former Vice President Jusuf Kalla stressed the need for ASEAN to have the management capabilities of a conflict involving external forces, he said the Regional Outlook Forum 2013 at Shangri-La Hotel Singapore, Thursday.

"ASEAN has a less experience in the management of conflicts, especially those involving military force," he said in a forum held by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS).

Many countries in the region have yet to give priority to the construction of a military force to the maximum.

This, he said, was probably the result of the success of ASEAN in promoting non-military tools in conflict resolution.

Conflict in the South China Sea, involving China and Taiwan directly but imposes four ASEAN countries, need to be addressed appropriately.

"A lot of challenges in this area that can be discussed in a lot of ways," he said.

Jusuf Kalla was in Singapore for two days, Wednesday (9/1) and Thursday, in order to comply with the invitation of the Government of Singapore.

In his visit, Kalla mnelakukan emapt meetings with Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Foreign Affairs K Shanmugam, and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
(F013/E001) Editor: Ruslan Burhani


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