Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Landslides and floods hit areas in Flammable

illustration a number of Landslide Victims Evacuation officers conduct a search for landslide victims in Luwung Village, Sirampog, Brebes, Central Java, Thursday (7/2). (INTERMEDIATE/Oky Lukmansyah)

Manad (Reuters)-heavy rain is falling on some areas in North Sulawesi (Flammable) since Saturday (16/2) to Sunday (7/2) have caused floods and landslides in the province.

Deputy Mayor of Manado Harley Mangindaan has conducted coordination with PMI, neat, Tagana, head of the Indonesian armed forces and the national police as well as BPBD for the handling of floods and Manado avalanche.

Floods submerge six subdistricts in Manado the Singkil, Chapter two, Sario, Tuminting, and Detention, with Malalayang water height reached 60 to 70 centimetres to cause people flee their homes, according to the radar Between Sunday.

A number of flipped car on ring road, Manado Citraland, buried by the landslide, but since it did not result in casualties. The Holy Church of the Kalam in the complex was also hit by landslide.

The flood has caused Tuminting Sumompow Bridge submerged in flood. The high neck and submerged villages isolated.

Landslides also occurred in the village of Kaweruan, district South Minahasa Regency Likupang North, 06.00 WITA causing tertutupnya access road across the province.

Landslides make the flow of traffic and congestion occurs along the choked up one kilometer.

The local government and public security units attempting to open a closed land access due to landslide.

A landslide occurred in the village and Kelurahan Kinilow Tinoor, Tomohon, North Sulawesi-Manado route leads left off the total. However, within five hours of the head BPBD, Eddy Turang Tomohon, already managed to reopen the line.

Members of the DPRD Tomohon, Paul Adrian Sembel also informs the access road Amurang, Minahasa Manado-South, in the village of landslide-covered Munte, floods also occurred in Tanawangko and Popontolen.

Paul says In line, Minahasa Utara, Minahasa to Tondano, also covered avalanche so that can not be bypassed.

Head of Data centres, information and communication, the BNPB Purwo Nugroho Dwiyatno (Captain) mention flash flooding also occurred in the village of Togid, district Tutuyan, Bolaang Mongondow Regency East, while the number of homes are submerged is still being recorded.

Commission Information Commissioner province (KIP) Flammable, Reidy says the photo spread Sumual raced good disaster yet wiser if spread with solutions offer spread vital information.

Some important telephone informing KIP can be contacted the Office of the SAR (0431) 115 or 118 812111, ambulance, RSU Kandouw 838203, head of BPBD, Hoyke Makarawung 081356400999-places, head of UPTB III BPBD-Mongilala 085398545555, Vicky.

Meanwhile Islamic Student Health agencies (LKMI) Care of flood Alert, HMI, opened a Branch in Manado posko Wonasa, Manado.

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