Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Benefits of spices for health

Jakarta (Reuters)-As the Community countries with spices, almost all food rich with the taste of Indonesia. When consumed excessively, causing disruption of seasoning can be percernaan even appendicitis.

But the report, it would not have happened if the consumed sparingly. Here are some benefits of herbs that cooked food is no stranger in Indonesia such as reported by the Health page Me Up.

Cinnamon. Spice this one gives a distinctive aroma and refreshing taste on the tongue. Researchers found that cinnamon safely consumed diabetics, when you are showing symptoms of insulin resistance, cinnamon would help reduce the symptoms.

In addition, cinnamon can also be helpful to cure indigestion, flu, diarrhea, poor blood circulation, as well as a sense of tense when menstruation.

Clove. This seasoning nutritious for dental problems as it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It is an important characteristic of matter in natural toothpaste. People who are drunk from too much alcohol consumed could feel better thanks to clove. In addition, clove also relieve indigestion and vomiting.

Cumin. In addition to relieve digestive issues, also reduces the risk of anaemia cumin, and the flu.

Turmeric. This seasoning is useful to prevent myopic, improve memory, and overcoming depression.
Pala. Just like cloves, nutmeg contains anti-bacterial substance. Pala prevent tooth decay, Alzheimer 's, and improve memory. In addition, these herbs may reduce flatulence and increase your appetite as well as relaxes tense muscles. According to the Chinese people, the pala may reduce impotence.

Freshly ground black pepper. This spice is a valuable merchandise on yore, equally valuable with gold. Black pepper may increase the production of hydrochloric acid needed for stomach digest food. Constipation, indigestion and flatulence can be addressed by black pepper. In addition, black pepper is also useful to reduce blood pressure as well as containing iron is useful to the body.


Editor: Aditia Maruli


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