On the day of Idul Fitri visitors Bogor botanical gardens as much as 3,000 people, as well as on the day of Idul Fitri to two more than the first day of Idul Fitri. Number of visitors this year's Idul Fitri so much more from the period a year earlier, due to Idul Fitri on the first day of Idul fitri recorded only 2,500 visitors, thus delivered encompasses ticketing Coordinator, Bogor botanical gardens, in the city of Bogor Upun, Tuesday.
Upun says, most visitors coming consists of one family. They generally make a tour while enjoying natural atmosphere in Bogor botanical gardens.
"We do not provide special programs, regular. It's just that, due to the many visitors we established the posko health, security and improve our services posko hygiene, "said Upun.
In the meantime, the atmosphere at the Bogor botanical gardens look a lot of visitors. They are scattered in the Botanical Garden spots.
Wrong wrong visitors of Septia Tangerang mentions, deliberately coming for a visit with the family to take advantage of vacation time at the Bogor botanical gardens.
"More adem wrote in the botanical gardens, while nature tours, enjoy the green if in Tangerang's hot," he said.
Unlike the Septia, Tamara came with her husband and two children to the Bogor botanical gardens with public transport. Ruth comes from Jakarta using the train, from the station he rode public transit towards the Bogor botanical gardens.
"We rode the trains depart in the morning from Jakarta," he said.
In addition to domestic tourists, Bogor botanical gardens are also visited by foreign tourists. According to Upun, foreign tourists are pretty much come to Bogor botanical gardens. Amount is 10 percent of the total domestic tourists.
The flow of visitors bring profit for traders at the Bogor botanical gardens. Urn decoration in front of merchant's Gate 4 Bogor botanical gardens, Nurdin Lebaran goods kept claiming for many visitors purchased.
"Pretty crowded, usually depleted 100 guchi, could this holiday for 300 's," he said.
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