Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Bali Zoo flooded with thousands of tourists

Tuesday, August 21, 2012 10: 55 WIB | Viewed 149 Times few tourists see two Bengal tiger (Panthera Tigris Bengalensis) on Bali Zoo Park, Gianyar, Bali.(INTERMEDIATE PICTURES/Nyoman Budhiana) Denpasar (Reuters)-about three thousand tourists visited Bali Zoo Zoo in Singapadu, Gianyar, Bali holiday Lebaran filling length of 2012.

Most of these visitors is domestic tourists and the local community. Thus delivered Public Relation Bali Zoo, Emma Kristiana Chandra, in Denpasar, Tuesday.

"In addition to foreign tourists, the number of domestic tourists visiting Bali Zoo increased quite significantly — around 20 percent," he said.

Data from the Zoo is located in the village of Singapadu, Gianyar Regency, about 15 km east of Denpasar, and domestic tourists visiting more than 3,000 recorded on the first day of Idul Fitri holiday i.e. Sunday and Monday. The number rose to about 25 percent, if compared the same period 2011 only 2,400 people.

Most of the tourists come from the island of Java, Jakarta, Surabaya and coming troupes.

The feeding of the lion, being one of the attraction for visitors who never missed riding the elephants, besides the attractions around the Zoo, and performing birds at certain hours also became an attraction.

In addition visitors also take pictures with enthusiasm for the Brutes and benign such as crocodile, binturong, and three baby white tiger in the Zoo, as well as many seized the attention of visitors.

For the price of admission, visitors are subject to local visitors Rp60 thousands by showing Identification Card (ID CARD) of Bali, while domestic visitors adult charged Rp75 thousands and children aged one to 12 years is charged half of these prices or about Rp37 thousand.

While for foreign visitors, admission charged 24 dollars and children of 12 US dollars.

Emma speak though not there price promo, but it remained up to even visit membeludak visit Tuesday expected to rise, given leave of absence with coming to an end on Wednesday.


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