Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Kubu Raya increase the welfare of farmers with economic populist

Illustration (Illustration)

Sungai Raya, Ristek IAEA, (AFP)-The Regency Government attempted to accelerate the improvement of the welfare of the Kingdom's farmers by implementing an economic populist.

"This continued we do every year, where either through the budget of the BUDGETS and BUDGET we always establish agriculture program with the expansion of new land and pendapingan to farmers in targeted advertising. We have also established a pattern that also had populist economy we do against farmers, "said Regent Kubu Raya, a young Mahendrawan in Sungai Raya, Tuesday.

According to him, by strengthening capital farmers and provide accompaniment pattern, expected capital farmers could expand agricultural area and improve their crops.

Young says, agriculture and enterprise development as well as other businesses, most heavily influenced by the capital. Most constraints faced by the community is the difficulty of obtaining sufficient capital.

"To that end, the District Government and attempts to provide a solution by building system perkoperasian the community. Cause through the cooperative society could save borrow to increase productivity in agriculture, animal husbandry and other endeavors, "he said.

To make it easier for people to get loans and make it easier for the community to form a co-operative, District Government Stronghold Kingdom has mengagendakan system shuttle service sphere.

There will be an integrated services officer and the officer will be assigned kedesa notary-village to facilitate the community take care of legal entities and operating permits cooperative village and others.

"We are preparing a program, where later the clerk clerk notary public services will be integrated and we transferred to the villages to help people take care of the legal entities of the cooperative village and town, so if they have a cooperative would be easier Bank providing a loan-loan to the enterprise development community," said young.

She said that step, will be able to help the community. So people from distant villages no longer have to commute to the District takes care of things which are administrative.


Editor: Aditia Maruli


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