Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Japan journalist killed in Syria

Syria Liberation Army stand guard behind a barricade on a road in Aleppo, Friday (13/8). firefight in Aleppo seized the attention of the world and the United Nations. The President of Syria, Bashar al-Asaad, insisted his resistance to exterminate weapons and military hardware. (REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic)

... are working to make the coverage in Aleppo, northern Syria, when he was caught in a fire ...
Tokyo (Reuters)-Japan's Foreign Ministry, confirmed Tuesday, a woman journalist was killed in Japan in his journalistic duties in Syria State diporak-4 the conflict. Three other journalists were reported missing.

The Ministry did confirm it was Yamamoto's women journalists Mika, 45 years, said an official in charge of the safety of the citizens of Japan abroad.

"He was working to make the coverage in Aleppo, northern Syria, when he was caught in a fire," said the official.

HUMAN RIGHTS observer for Syria Observatory for human rights reported earlier that women journalists unnamed Japan had died in Aleppo, where heavy fighting in the past few days and a few this past weekend. Editor: Ade Marboen


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