Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Microsoft pensiunkan "messenger" per 15 March

Photo documents Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, when describing the synergy function of MSN Messenger and Skype. (REUTERS/Susana Bates)

San Francisco (Reuters/Xinhua-OANA)--Microsoft announced that mail service seketikanya (messenger) officially retired as of March 15, n2013, and remind them to switch to Skype as his successor.

In the email to all users with the title "Important info about your Messenger account" and Microsoft suggests, more than 100 million users of Messenger can move to Skype with the register using their Microsoft account, and enjoy features like message instantly, relationship videos on the mobile phone and share the screen.

Microsoft acquired VoIP service (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Skype in May 2011 at a cost of 8.5 billion u.s. dollars, and plans to gradually incorporate them into any of its products, such as the XBox and Windows Phone.

November 2012, giant-scale companies for software that announced it will move the user's Messenger to Skype in the first quarter of 2013, with the exception of China is still available.

The Microsoft Messenger service is often referred to as "MSN" when the service was first launched as MSN Messenger in 1990.

In June 2009, when the 10th anniversary release of MSN Messenger, Microsoft announced the service attracted over 330 million active users each month worldwide.
(Act. C003) Editors: Priyambodo RH


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