Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Additional earning a doctor of CIVIL SERVANTS has been no regulasinya

The provincial government (provincial government) has not been able to provide additional Sulbar earnings for doctor of CIVIL SERVANTS because there hasn't been any regulasinya, "

Mamuju (Reuters)-Secretary of the provinces (Sekprov) of West Sulawesi Ismail Zainuddin posited, the granting of additional income for the doctors were aipil civil servants (CIVIL SERVANTS) who works at the Regional Hospital has been no regulasinya.

"The provincial government (provincial government) has not been able to provide additional Sulbar earnings for doctor of CIVIL SERVANTS because there hasn't been any regulasinya," said Sekprov Sulbar Ismail Zainuddin in Mamuju, Tuesday.

According to him, the doctor of CIVIL SERVANTS who are on RS Regional voting also went on strike demanding a job because of the perks or additional income.

"The extra income allowances given right is a specialist because there has been a clear regulation. Different things with a doctor of CIVIL SERVANTS up to now there has been no regulation that set it up, "he said.

He spoke, the Government is unlikely to make a bid for additional earnings for physician berstaus CIVIL SERVANTS without any technical guidance that is the basis of payment does.

"Doctor of CIVIL SERVANTS are paid by the State. If suddenly given an additional income of CIVIL SERVANTS demanding while there has been no regulation is clear then we will bother, "said Ismail.

Ismail who is also the former head of Dishubkominfo Sulbar said, the strikers work done in Regional CIVIL SERVANTS doctor RS will be given a reprimand.

"Certainly we did a resolute action to doctors who perform CIVIL SERVANTS went on strike action. If you do not perform the task then sanctions will be given in accordance with the law, Staffing "bright Ismail.

Nevertheless, he said, the Government will propose the budget in fiscal year 2013.

"We will submit the budget to the LEGISLATIVE ELECTION, in order for an additional income of CIVIL SERVANTS is also a doctor in the BUDGETS allocated by 2013," pungkas Ismail.


Editor: Tasrief Tarmizi


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