Rabu, 05 September 2012

Jafar Hafsah: hospitality is capable of eliminir conflict

M. Jafar Hafsah (BETWEEN)

Jakarta (Reuters)-the Democratic Party Faction Chairman of MPR RI, Jafar Hafsah believes, hospitality between fellow religious who are constantly carried out at any time can eliminate the conflict.

As said by Jafar Hafsah that define Eid ul-Fitr to Afp, Jakarta, Tuesday.

"Hospitality between faiths was believed to be able to eliminate or mengeleminir the various conflicts that have sprung up lately in the homeland. Hospitality with any religion is very important, "said Jafar.

Therefore, one of the momentum to continue to improve the quality and intensity of hospitality is Eid ul-Fitr.

In addition it is believed able to mengeliminir different conflicts, Eid, said the former Chairman of the Democratic Party Faction in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES RI was also able to add to and enhance solidarity and soliditas of this nation.

"It's in the form of Solidarity, perhartian proximity, always should be maintained, dikedepankan and attach with increasing intensity, quality of our neighbor relations. Our attention is always improved, not only Muslims, but other faiths should be improved, "he said intensitasnya.

Not only that, connect Jafar, Eid is also able to boost the economy. One example, with religious obligatory, infaq and alms, the economy could be on the rise.

"The necessary repair, restore or Idul fitri as Eid al-Fitr, a day of solidarity took out infak, fitra zakat, alms. So Eid had in fact construct, including resurrecting the nation's economy, could "pungkas Jafar.

(Jim) Editor: Aditia Maruli


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