Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Open scheme in line mudik lebaran posko

PT Scheme (ANTARANEWS/special)

The port of Merak, Banten, the road By Pass-Nagreg, Cicalengka Crossroad Famous Subang, Rajapolah Highway and the highway Plumbon near the toll booth Palimanan.
Bandung, Indonesia (Reuters)-PT IV Kanwil Scheme (Jabar) in West Java and Banten Mudik Lebaran roll out in 2012 Posko five points in that region.

"There are five command post in the North Coast Scheme and forth and southern, as well as one at the West Java Port of Merak, Banten," said Jabar Banten Head Kanwil Scheme, Ilyas, leader Enda Lubis in Bandung, on Wednesday.

While the four-point Scheme is in the command post Lebaran Road By Pass-Nagreg, Cicalengka Crossroad Famous Subang, Rajapolah Highway and the highway Plumbon near the toll booth Palimanan.

In addition to the command post, socialization, social security protection program also serves the healthcare, among others, free health checks by paramedics, as well as other free massage service.

The placement of the command post, done in a location adjacent to the pockets of industry on the go. One of the health service carried out, among others, the Ministry of health, especially for those who use motorcycles pemudik.

"Posko opened Tuesday to Saturday starting 2012," said leader Enda Ilyas Lubis.

In addition to serving the posko mudik, Scheme also do warranty claim management process acceleration days old (JHT) so it can be received by beneficiaries before Lebaran, 2012.

"We're open to service Office Thursday tomorrow, open again starting Wednesday of next week," said Ilyas leader Enda Lubis added.

(S033/Y008) Editor: Ella Syafputri


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